

7 January 2007 - Comic #33

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I don't think I'll spoiler anything, if I say that Sarkozy became president of France. So no nude pics of Laurel, sorry!

Original post: La Carotte !


6 January 2007 - Comic #32

Side note: The dog with glasses is Tarrin's old friend Fred Neidhardt.

This comic was also printed on page 46 of Journal intime d'un Lémurien.

Original post: Rien


3 January 2007 - Comic #30

Tarrin said about this one that while he has never done this himself, he has seen another comic artist act like that at a convention. (According to a statement in the comments of the original entry this other comic artist is Denis Bajram, creator of Universal War One.)
He drew this for an article in the January 2007 issue of BoDoï magazine.

Original post: Spéciale dédicace !



20 December 2006 - Comic #22

Apparently Tarrin was having trouble with Microsoft's WGA system, so he asked his readers for help.

Original post: Le Blog de l'espoir
